The British Columbia Ministry of Education (2015) explained that educational reforms are happening on a global scale (cited in Moore, 2016). Currently, Ministries of Education are focusing on restructuring the educational curriculum. In this regard, I would like my interactive learning resource to different from traditional education through recognizing the unique needs and interests of the learners. This is to assure that my interactive learning resource can benefit the learners.
To ensure the needs of all the learners are met, my interactive learning resource will incorporate inclusive education. According to Moore (2016), inclusive education is no longer confined to special education. Inclusive education means ensuring that there is no “other” through making every learner “another.” In other words, my interactive learning resource will recognize diversity in teaching. In recognizing diversity, I will start with the strengths of the educators, learners, parents, and other people involved. As Leyton Schnellert stated, inclusive education relies on a learning community that promotes coexistence, tolerance, and interaction among learners (cited in Moore, 2016). In addition to inclusive education, the interactive learning resource will also utilize the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Instead of focusing on the possible limitations of the learners, UDL focuses on the possible limitations of designs (Meyer, 2014). In order to apply UDL, I will think about the possible barriers that learners will encounter in the interactive learning resource I designed. For instance, one of the barriers that I could think of is that the user interface of the interactive learning resource would not be easy to navigate.
Focusing on the needs of the learners will assure that my interactive learning resource can be beneficial for the learners. In order to meet the needs of the learners, I will create a learning community that promotes coexistence, tolerance, and interactive learning through inclusive education. Lastly, I will also utilize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that I could anticipate the limitations of my learning interactive learning resource that might hinder the learning of the learners.
Meyer, Anne, et al. Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice. CAST Professional Publishing, an Imprint of CAST, Inc., 2014, UDL Theory Practice, retrieved from:
Moore, S. (2016, June 22). One Without the Other. Retrieved from
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